
Arise huge country arise to the mortal fight
With the dark fascist force with the damned horde
Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a national holy war
Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a people’s holy war

We shall repulse the suffocaters of all ardent ideas
Those tyrants, robbers, torturers of peoples
Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a people’s holy war
The dark wings dare not fly over our native land
The enemy dare not trample her spacious fields

Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a people’s holy war
The rotten fascist unclean
We will drive out with a bullet to the forehead
United with mankind we will hammer out a mighty coffin

Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a people’s holy war
Let noble fury boil up in a wave
There is a people’s holy war

Fdesouche sur les réseaux sociaux