
En l’espace d’une décennie, la proportion d’élèves catholiques est passée de 91% à seulement 5 ou 6 élèves dans cette école catholique de Blackburn. 95% des élèves sont aujourd’hui originaires du sous-continent indien (Pakistan, Inde, Bangladesh). La direction de l’école devrait bientôt être abandonnée par l’Eglise et reprise par la mosquée locale qui rouvrira l’école sous un nouveau nom.

A Roman Catholic primary school could become the first in the country to be run by a mosque after a dramatic rise in the number of Muslim pupils, it emerged today

Church bosses want to close Sacred Heart RC Primary School, in Blackburn, Lancashire, because the number of Catholic students has plummeted from 91 per cent to just three per cent in a decade.

In what would be the first case of its kind in Britain, the primary would be handed over to another organisation to run – most likely the local Tauheedul mosque – and re-opened with a new name.

Around 95 per cent of the school’s 200 pupils are of Asian origin. Many do not speak English as their first language and the majority follow the Islamic faith. The Diocese of Salford has told Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council that it no longer believes it is “appropriate” for the church to be in charge. […]

Daily Mail

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