
Police say they’ve made several arrests in connection with a brutal beating that killed a Des Moines man.
18-year-olds Yarvon Russell and James Shorter are in the Polk County jail charged with first degree murder.

Police believe they are two of the men that beat 40-year-old Richard Daughenbaugh to death near 2nd and Center early Sunday morning.

An arrest warrant has been issued for a third suspect, Kent Anthony III. Once caught, he too will be charged with murder.
A warrant is also out for 21-year old Des Moines man Leprese Williams whom allegedly assaulted a bystander trying to break up the beating.
Two females have also been arrested for first degree theft. Police say Franreca Woods and Shanayia Hamer grabbed a mobile phone off a witness to stop her calling police.

Police say all of the suspects were part of a larger group who were present and witnessed the murder.
Daughenbaugh’s funeral was held Friday morning.
WhoTV.com / KCCI.com
(Merci à Kentinbrooklynny)
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