
A man was arrested this afternoon in Union Square after allegedly attacking three people. According to witness Joey Boots, the African-American suspect attacked a white man around 2:30 p.m. “He bloodied him up pretty good,” Boots said.

When two others came to aide the victim, the suspect allegedly assaulted them as well, and started shouting, “I hate white people.”

10.09.2013: Une des victimes est décédée:
[…] A man has died after being knocked to the ground with a single punch by a stranger in a New York City square.
Jeffrey Babbitt, 62, had been left brain damaged after being punched in Union Square last week in an apparent racist attack.

Mr Babbitt died after allegedly being hit by Lashawn Marten, a 31-year-old African American, who reportedly said that he wanted to attack the next white person who walked by.

The 62-year-old, the sole carer of his 92-year-old mother Hedda, was hit so hard that he fell to the ground but later managed to stand. His condition deteriorated soon afterwards and he died at Bellevue Hospital.[…] Gothamist / Dailymail
(Merci à Kentinbrooklynny/BabyRuth/Dissidentfrancais)
En complement USA:
USA/Des Moines : 5 Noirs interpellés pour le lynchage mortel d’un homme (02.09.2013)
USA/Clearwater : un ado Noir tue parce qu’il a eu une journée difficile (30.08.13)
USA/Pittsburgh : Attaque violente et raciste par un groupe de jeunes filles Noires (29.08.2013)
USA/Memphis : 3 Noirs abattent sans raison un infirmier qui rentrait chez lui (24.08.2013)
Un vétéran de 88 ans battu à mort sans raison par 2 jeunes Noirs (23.08.13)
Des « adolescents » noirs tuent un sportif australien « pour s’amuser » (21.08.13)
USA/Clayton : 2 Noirs admettent avoir battu, étranglé, et jeté le corps d’une ado de 12 ans dans un conteneur à déchets (14.08.13)
3 Noirs agressent sauvagement un collégien dans un bus (08.08.13)
Un bébé abattu d’une balle dans la tête dans sa poussette, 2 ados afro-américains arrêtés (23.03.2013)

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